March, April, May, to be precise 3 rd May, my 25 anniversary. Not my wedding anniversary it is my service anniversary. That first day I reported for work is still very fresh in my memory, at times it is so clear that it can just be a few days ago. Oh my, oh my that’s took place somewhere in 1982! I had never dream to stay for so long in one organization but by the facts of it I had hang on for 25 years! After deliberating on this item with Shida we had found out it is the environment and natures surrounding of Port Dickson that had prompted us to stay a little bit longer here. My relative, brothers and sisters who had opted to stay in metropolitan KL had all shifted somewhere else so long ago. Since years ago the cost of living in small town like Port Dickson is so low comparatively to a bigger size township but the advantage of PD is that nearly all the big cities are within 1 to 2 hours reach be it by land or air. I had been offered promotion and increment on merit for 3 times during my service but too bad got to decline gracefully due to the need of transfer out of PD. Even the Company Chairman had make known his frustration on my decline to accept his offer to be transferred to KL. Spend more than one hour explaining to his emissary about the reasons why I’m force to decline. What Chairman can accept it when his lowly subject decline to accept the honor personally awarded upon him? Thanks god he do really understand my situation. One of the reasons why those arrogant line manager cannot have the upper hand on me! Thank you Datuk for your legacy. That’s actually worth more than it weights in gold because that’s what help me to survive in the back stabbing real world. It is much more valuable than the coming RM6k for my long service award.
Shida and me going to celebrate our 21st anniversary come this December. Rest assured there will be another long service award for both of us. This award is just still at my dream stage. Hopefully this dream will become real. Shida had
agreed to sell off our bungalow to assist me achieving this dream or to put a pillar for the castle that we had built on the air, to make it real. Thank you my love for your understanding but we are still in control of all the elements. Don’t worry dear, to me one of the joy of this life is not just arriving at the destination it is the journey that I’m very interested in! A full stomach is just that, a full stomach. It is the joy of having delicious food that’s will linger around a fresh for years to come. So let’s see whether we will have the opportunity to be at this concert to savior the music of nature when the rushing wind fill up our sail, whistling through the stays with the jib boom like raking fingers pointing the way and the luminosity sea water swirling behind the stern bubbling away….Oh my dear oh my love I will ensured we got the tickets.
Shida and me going to celebrate our 21st anniversary come this December. Rest assured there will be another long service award for both of us. This award is just still at my dream stage. Hopefully this dream will become real. Shida had

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