This is the hyperlink to the site those horsebck riding picture are copied.

Since then the idea of having a horse ranch keep on going through my mind and hounding it worse than a bloodhound! Anyway it is typical of me to explore any possibility that been mention to me. During my younger days motorbike riding club we have this motto ” never to under estimate a pot hole - lubang” These is base on our experience gain on the road, a water full pot hole might looks very safe but we never know how deep it actually is, so avoid it if you can you might just safe your skin by avoiding it. That particular pot- hole can be five to six feet deep! Oh boy if your front wheel go in and got stuck at 160km/h, even superman can’t save you, superman at least have that piece of cloth to assist him but a bikers only have his leather jacket and helmet plus his glove and boots, what a landing man! I had preferred to avoid the water patch hole than and keep on riding rather than flying around doing superman for nothing! And the irony side of it in business a typical Malay businessman will ask “ ada lobang ker?” and the answer is “cable mau baik saudara”. How deep is that “lobang” will determine how much profit you can make, ever heard of “ dia dapat lobang baik punya, itu yang naik tangan tu” That’s life brother, a ‘lobang’ can mean anything it can bring you down or bring you up! And now I’m going to explore these particular ‘lobang’ and see whether it will give a good yield.

Discussed with my son on whether he would like to explore these possibility and whether he is interested in horse riding, told him this morning that we are going to send him to a place to learn horse riding and stable management. He is given the right to choose whether he want to be in or out. Pursue these lead I will do with or without him. Any of you who would like to pursue this idea and see where it will lead? We can get in touch but bear in mind I’m looking into the business potential of it not only just for the fun of it.
hopped on to your blog..Horse riding? we do it for fun here, most people have horses here but i don't. I go ride them at a friend's ranch.
I have yet to show my husband the sail boat. He said that if Hilary Clinton becomes a president he want to buy a boat and leave.
Assalamualaikum mutiara.
I love keeping animals just for the fun of it but now I'm staying in housing area and the compound is not that big, just enough for a few rambutan and mango tree so got to keep the horses somewhere else and it will become too costly to keep horses without them bringing in some financial gain for their upkeep. I had never ride a horse before, looking forward to get one within this few months!
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