Semenjak along kemalangan pada 19 -03-2006, dua hari sebelum birthday aku, aku merasa sangat tidak gembira dan resah. Semua orang disekeliling aku mendapat bahang 'panas' diri ini. Adakah aku kecewa atau tidak dapat menerima hakikat? Aku sangat mudah melenting walaupun untuk perkara kecil saja. Kad Visa aku tak boleh digunakan pun aku boleh jadi sangat marah. Petang semalam aku pergi melawat along dihospital Seremban, dah dua hari dia keluar OT, dia masih on morphine dan tidak berapa sedar akan kehadiran pelawat di sekelilingnya. Dalam keadaaan macam tu pun dia masih dapat mengecam bila ada seorang perempuan datang menyelongkar almari kecil disebelah katilnya cuma dia ingatkan perempuan tersebut emaknya..mujurlah tak ada kehilangan wang ringgit cuma handphone lama. Selepas satu minggu tidak tidur diatas katil yang selesa, akak aku telah tertidur diatas katil yang ditawarkan staff nurse disebelah katil along. Rupa-rupanya di hospital pun ada pencuri mencari rezki. Disebabkan along dengar bunyi selipar semasa perempuan tersebut lari apabila along menjerit, kami telah buat andaian yang dia mungkin salah seorang perempuan yang berada disitu untuk membantu ahli keluarga masing-masing. Guard mengesahkan yang tidak ada sesiapa keluar atau masuk pada waktu itu. Staff nurse mencadangkan yang kesemua perempuan didalam ward tersebut dibuat pemeriksaan untuk mencari barangan yang hilang itu tetapi akak aku telah tidak bersetuju dan tidak mahu membuat sebarang laporan polis. Kalau ada yang tertangkap nanti tentu dia akan berasa malu dan apa pandangan orang terhadap dia? O.K lah kak hand phone tu pun bukan mahal dan engkau pun bukan ada kehilangan wang tunai, biarlah dia. Mungkin dia susah dan berharap dapat mencuri sedikit wang tunai untuk belanja hidupnya di hospital. Sebenarnya besar juga belanja sesiapa yang tinggal di hospital untuk menjaga ahli keluarga . Belanja makanan sahaja memerlukan RM10-> RM15 satu hari. Tak termasuk belanja lain seperti disposable diapers untuk orang dewasa, mahal tu. Belanja perubatan along telah dapat diturunkan sebanyak RM7K, hand phone Nokia lama tu tu lebih-lebih pun baru RM100. Engkau pun ada banyak handphone pakai jerlah yang lain.
Dua campur dua jadi berapa?
Isteri-isteri aku telah sangat boring dengan sikap aku dan mula 'naik angin'. Aku terpaksa keluarkan tunai RM1500 untuk keperluan dapur kami, ini semua gara-gara kad aku tak boleh di pakai semasa di Giant Senawang. Tiga trolley yang kami beli terpaksa di tinggalkan begitu saja sebab tak ada tunai untuk bayar selepas kad aku gagal di gunakan. Kali ni kami cuma shopping kat the store PD. Isteri aku lebih suka Giant dari The Store. Dah hampir lima tahun kami shopping keperluan dapur di Giant Senawang. Aku selalu beritahu dia berdua yang kalau kami shopping kat kedai runcit kecil, tuan kedai tersebut mungkin akan sangat bersyukur dengan sumbangan kami terhadap pembangunan dan pengukuhan ekonomi keluarganya tetapi di Giant, pekerja di situ tak akan senyum pun.. jangan ingat ada ucapan terima kasih dari mereka, sebabnya adalah kehadiran kita disitu menyebabkan kerja mereka bertambah menjadi 'banyak kerja' dan keletihan. Eloklah kita beri business pada pekedai kecil yang lebih bersyukur dan gembira melihat kita datang daripada berdepan dengan cashier, promoter dan guard yang sentiasa masam muka dan ingat kita menyusahkan mereka. Harga yang di tawarkan memang lebih murah tetapi supermarket besar juga menyebabkan kita membeli barangan yang kita sebenarnya tidak perlukan, kita tidak memerlukan beberapa packet ayam nugget atau burger atau processed food yang lain, beli ayam segar dan goreng lah,kenapa kita kena makan makanan yang boleh di pertikaikan tahap 'kesihatan'nya? Ahh ada banyak perkara atau benda yang aku tidak faham. Mungkin dalam hidup ini dua campur dua belum tentu jadi empat.
Herba yang penting untuk masak -memasak.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Motorsikal dan kemalangan
Anak saudara aku telah mengalami kemalangan pada hari Isnin lepas. Tak sampai setengah jam sebelum itu kami sedang makan nasi goreng yang dia masakkan untuk kami berdua. Aku cuma dapat tahu tentang kemalangan tu pada pagi Selasa. Semalam aku pergi melawat dia di hospital. Kecederaan dia agak parah, tangan kanan tak dapat di gerakkan sebab ada tulang yang patah di kawasan bahu dan yang paling menyedihkan hati aku adalah tulang belakang nya yang patah lalu menekan saraf tunjang, dia lumpuh.Dua orang anak lelaki kakak ni memang rapat dengan aku, empat tahun aku tinggal di rumah kakak sehingga aku menikah dan pindah dari situ. Semasa aku pindah, budak berdua tu berebut siapa yang dapat katil dan almari aku! Terasa sebak hati aku bila mengenangkan anak saudara aku ni, dulu adik dia mati kemalangan motorsikal semasa pergi kerja kat KLIA, sekarang dia pulak lumpuh akibat kemalangan semasa nak pergi kerja di Sri Malaysia, dulu dia ni mekanik kapalterbang , berhenti kerja apabila dia tak boleh tahan setiap hari terpaksa melintas tempat kemalangan yang telah meragut nyawa adik nya dan dia lah saksi kejadian tersebut, jadi tukang masak dengan harapan dapat melupakan peristiwa sedih itu. Dia kemalangan di tempat yang sama aku kemalangan motorsikal pada tahun 1985 dulu. Aku terpaksa kuatkan hati untuk berhadapan dengan masalah ini. Kos untuk membeli Titanium plate dan skru tak termasuk kos perubatan adalah RM11K. Akak aku sangat sedih sebab rupa-rupanya Seri Malaysia tidak punya insuran coverage untuk kemalangan. "Awak claim dari SOCSO jer.."Masalah nya claim tu ambil masa beberapa bulan baru dapat, dan plate dan skru untuk pembedahan membetulkan semula tulang belakang pesakit perlu di bayar dahulu sebelum pembedahan di buat, beli spare part dulu..nanti doktor pasangkan.."Bila pembedahan ni boleh di buat doktor ?" " Encik bayar harga barangan tu, kami jalankan pembedahan segera" Aku dan kakaK telah merayu kepada doktor untuk mencari jalan supaya pembedahan dapat di buat tanpa menunggu duit dari SOCSO. Alhamdulillah selepas beberapa jam berbincang antara kami dan doktor dengan pembekal peralatan, harga telah di turun kan ke RM5100. Aku mesti menjelaskan bayaran peralatan- spare part Titanium tersebut pada 24 haribulan ni , pembedahan akan di jalankan pada 26 haribulan. Walaupun doktor menyatakan yang pembedahan ini tidak akan menyebabkan anak saudara aku tu boleh berjalan, sekurang-kurangnya dia dapat duduk dan begerak dengan kerusi roda, dia akan dapat berdikari. Jika tidak dia hanya kan terbaring sepanjang hayat sementara menunggu hari mati.
Along, pak endak janji kita akan terus berusaha sehingga along boleh berjalan semula.Tugas along cuma kuat kan azam untuk sembuh, jangan risau tentang perbelanjaan, pak endak akan uruskan.
Along, pak endak janji kita akan terus berusaha sehingga along boleh berjalan semula.Tugas along cuma kuat kan azam untuk sembuh, jangan risau tentang perbelanjaan, pak endak akan uruskan.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Horseback riding

This is the hyperlink to the site those horsebck riding picture are copied.

Since then the idea of having a horse ranch keep on going through my mind and hounding it worse than a bloodhound! Anyway it is typical of me to explore any possibility that been mention to me. During my younger days motorbike riding club we have this motto ” never to under estimate a pot hole - lubang” These is base on our experience gain on the road, a water full pot hole might looks very safe but we never know how deep it actually is, so avoid it if you can you might just safe your skin by avoiding it. That particular pot- hole can be five to six feet deep! Oh boy if your front wheel go in and got stuck at 160km/h, even superman can’t save you, superman at least have that piece of cloth to assist him but a bikers only have his leather jacket and helmet plus his glove and boots, what a landing man! I had preferred to avoid the water patch hole than and keep on riding rather than flying around doing superman for nothing! And the irony side of it in business a typical Malay businessman will ask “ ada lobang ker?” and the answer is “cable mau baik saudara”. How deep is that “lobang” will determine how much profit you can make, ever heard of “ dia dapat lobang baik punya, itu yang naik tangan tu” That’s life brother, a ‘lobang’ can mean anything it can bring you down or bring you up! And now I’m going to explore these particular ‘lobang’ and see whether it will give a good yield.

Discussed with my son on whether he would like to explore these possibility and whether he is interested in horse riding, told him this morning that we are going to send him to a place to learn horse riding and stable management. He is given the right to choose whether he want to be in or out. Pursue these lead I will do with or without him. Any of you who would like to pursue this idea and see where it will lead? We can get in touch but bear in mind I’m looking into the business potential of it not only just for the fun of it.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Who want to be a millionaire.

Hello everybody..
“everybody come down don’t sing alone..
everybody feelings right.. never going home tonight”
“everybody comes along and sing a song..
what it feel the morning lights ..never going home tonight”
Julio Inglasias.
There are friends who asked me on how to start a business and what business should they do? Some had asked about investing in stock market and some had asked about “Forward trading” and Forex.
My dear friends I’m not financial advisor or analyst, just somebody who managed to run away during the 90’s market collapse, I still have the phobia.
I’m approached by a lady friend during lunch hour yesterday and she had mentioned that her husband which is my close friend had became a fund manager with a company that do trading on Forex and they had make RM300k profit within this 3 months with initial capital of only RM10K. My comment on it is “that is one very impressive gain make by your husband” “ he should run now”. “ No, my husband said if we hang on until end of the year we will be able to make RM3 million “ “O.K if that is what you had wanted to do but my point of view is collect the money and run, just leave some as insurance, at least if it collapse you will still have some few hundred K with you”. “ are you a coward, why are you so stupid? There is a hell lot of different between thousands and millions, don’t you know how to count?” “My dear friend please excused this poor soul, I failed all my mathematics paper, never passed my add math’s test, sorry, if based on that you called me stupid, O.K fine with me“. “ Ari, don’t blame us later, I had informed you now, what you should do is go and see my husband, discussed with him, come joint us “ “O.K la kak, I’ll see him later” “ just put in some small investment Ari, RM10K should do, don’t tell me you had finished out ‘that’ money “. Yet to see him and RM10K is not a small sum. There is a lot of thing I can do with RM10K.I’m always very suspicious with very generous and caring person, “ Encik Jamil tu..baik ya bapak..!” “ hum..baik..baik ada makna!”
I’m not that keen to amass wealth, as long as I can have enough, that’s is good enough for me. For any of you who are daring enough to invest in Forex and forward trading, good luck. I decline to joint not because I’m not interested to make money, just that I love going home to my family every night more than anything else
“everybody come down don’t sing alone..
everybody feelings right.. never going home tonight”
“everybody comes along and sing a song..
what it feel the morning lights ..never going home tonight”
Julio Inglasias.
There are friends who asked me on how to start a business and what business should they do? Some had asked about investing in stock market and some had asked about “Forward trading” and Forex.
My dear friends I’m not financial advisor or analyst, just somebody who managed to run away during the 90’s market collapse, I still have the phobia.
I’m approached by a lady friend during lunch hour yesterday and she had mentioned that her husband which is my close friend had became a fund manager with a company that do trading on Forex and they had make RM300k profit within this 3 months with initial capital of only RM10K. My comment on it is “that is one very impressive gain make by your husband” “ he should run now”. “ No, my husband said if we hang on until end of the year we will be able to make RM3 million “ “O.K if that is what you had wanted to do but my point of view is collect the money and run, just leave some as insurance, at least if it collapse you will still have some few hundred K with you”. “ are you a coward, why are you so stupid? There is a hell lot of different between thousands and millions, don’t you know how to count?” “My dear friend please excused this poor soul, I failed all my mathematics paper, never passed my add math’s test, sorry, if based on that you called me stupid, O.K fine with me“. “ Ari, don’t blame us later, I had informed you now, what you should do is go and see my husband, discussed with him, come joint us “ “O.K la kak, I’ll see him later” “ just put in some small investment Ari, RM10K should do, don’t tell me you had finished out ‘that’ money “. Yet to see him and RM10K is not a small sum. There is a lot of thing I can do with RM10K.I’m always very suspicious with very generous and caring person, “ Encik Jamil tu..baik ya bapak..!” “ hum..baik..baik ada makna!”

I’m not that keen to amass wealth, as long as I can have enough, that’s is good enough for me. For any of you who are daring enough to invest in Forex and forward trading, good luck. I decline to joint not because I’m not interested to make money, just that I love going home to my family every night more than anything else
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Nira kelapa dan cuka.

These article had been copied to my blog. It was written by TAMMY DE CASTRO Bulatlat.His site hyperlink can be found at the end of this article. I'm learning on how to make nira kelapa so this article is a big help to me.
Coconut vinegar-making in SorsogonVinegar You Can Almost Drink
Tuba, a local alcoholic drink made from the sap of a coconut tree, turns sour after two or three days. After eight to 12 weeks of fermentation, tuba becomes pure and natural organic vinegar.
FIRST STEP: Tuba gatherer extracts sap from the spadix – the first step in tuba processing
If only we can drink the fresh tuba before it becomes vinegar.
Tuba, or the sweet, freshly-gathered coconut sap was a popular alcoholic beverage in the Philippines in the early 50’s. However, it never reached the level of large-scale, commercial production. Now, tuba is getting a boost with the production of organic coconut vinegar.
Sorsogon Foods Enterprises, owned by Erlinda Corsiga, makes “Lola Conching’s” Coco Nectar, Organic Vinegars. The first step in making coconut vinegar is the collection of tuba.
Tuba turns sours after two or three days. After eight to 12 weeks of fermentation, tuba becomes pure and natural organic vinegar.
Hurry now, and drink your vinegar before it turns sour.
Here are the steps to show how vinegar is produced and processed in Corsiga’s coconut farm in Brgy. San Rafael, Bulan, Sorsogon.
Tuba, or coconut sap is extracted from a spadix, or the tender, unopened part of a coconut floral branch. The tuba gatherer has to climb up a coconut tree, wrap abaca or rattan strip along the length of the selected branch.
The wrapped branch is then tapped with a hardwood mallet so as to carefully bruise and rapture the tender tissues of the floral branch, which is then gradually bent downward. The tip is tied down with abaca string to a nearby leaf branch.
The bending procedure is repeated daily for one to two weeks until the floral branch droops. When the branch is drooping halfway down, the tip is cut open with a sharp knife.
After three days, sap starts dripping from the branch, and is collected in a bamboo segment or plastic container fastened to the branch. The daily slicing of the tip of the branch allows the sap to flow continuously.
The mouth of the bamboo or plastic receptacle is covered with a piece of fibrous net of light brown stalks locally called “guinit”. This keeps out the rainwater, insects, mice and lizards.
The tuba gatherer transfers the sap collected in the bamboo segment to a longer bamboo segment which hangs from his back as he climbs up and down the trees.
The collected tuba is filtered through a sieve of abaca fiber into a five-gallon plastic jerry container.
Fermentation process:
The tuba is poured into a fermentation vessel where it becomes vinegar after a couple of weeks or months when it reaches its natural acidity level.
The fermented tuba is then filtered and pasteurized -- heated for 15 minutes -- and then poured into sterilized bottles and sealed. Organic vinegar is chemical free. It has no additive dye, flavoring, artificial colorings and preservatives.
© 2006 Bulatlat ■ Alipato Publications
Permission is granted to reprint or redistribute this article, provided its author/s and Bulatlat are properly credited and notified.
How to make Ice Cream

Tuesday, September 26, 2006
How to Make Ice Cream
Ice cream is a delicious frozen food that is a real treat when it’s homemade. Making ice cream at home can be a fun family project with a job for everyone. If you have a hand cranked or electric ice cream freezer, everyone can enjoy a tasty dessert right from the freezer.
The most important ingredients in ice cream are:
• Milk solids, often added as nonfat dry milk, give body to the mixture and allow better whipping.
• Cream, with its higher butterfat content, gives richness and smoothness.
• Eggs, acting as a stabilizing ingredient, provide good texture as well as flavor and the whites are a good whipping agent. Because of the risk of harmful bacteria in raw eggs, you must use pasteurized eggs in uncooked ice cream mix.
• Sugar gives sweetness and minimizes crystallization by lowering the freezing point temperature.
• Gelatin is a stabilizer that binds water to keep ice crystals small.
• Flavorings are added in small amounts and have no effect on the freezing process.
• Fruits are sugared and retard the freezing process, and thus should not be added until the mixture is about half frozen.
Equipment and Supplies
To make homemade ice cream, you need a variety of equipment, including ice, rock salt and a freezer. Metal freezers are preferred, but must be kept clean to prevent rusting. The capacity of the ice bucket should be about two gallons. The mix container will hold about one gallon. You will need at least 20 pounds of ice for each gallon of ice cream and about five pounds of rock salt.
Preparing the Mix
Pour liquid ingredients such as milk, cream or evaporated milk into a large mixing bowl. Whip eggs in separate bowl before adding. Always dissolve gelatin tablet in small amount of hot water. This helps assure dispersion throughout the mix. Dry sugar should be added to the liquid mix while stirring constantly. Unless you purchase all pasteurized ingredients, cook the mix. Use a double boiler to reduce cooking down caused by evaporation and stir continually. Heat to 155º F and hold for 30 minutes. Cool to 45º F or below by placing cold water, then ice water, in the lower part of the double boiler. Keep the ice cream mix covered to prevent bacterial contamination. Have the mix as cold as possible prior to freezing. This reduces time required to freeze and gives you a smoother textured product with fewer large ice crystals.
Use only clean utensils for handling mix. They should be sanitized with heat in the dishwasher or sanitized to destroy all bacteria. A dilute chlorine solution at 100 ppm (1/2 teaspoon bleach per quart of water) can be used for sanitizing.
Stabilizers and emulsifiers other than gelatin and eggs can be used. If so, mix with a little hot water in a cup. Then add to the mix, stirring thoroughly. Otherwise it settles, giving you a thick gummy ice cream at the bottom of the container.
Serving and Storing
Serve ice cream within a few hours of freezing for best results. If held for more than a few hours, keep product at temperatures well below 0º F. Freezing compartments in home refrigerators are seldom cold enough to harden ice cream properly. Temperatures approaching -20º F are ideal. If you plan to hold ice cream, keep it at -10º F or lower. It can be held for months at this temperature.
Vanilla Ice Milk (cooked, with eggs)
2 cups sugar
1 tablespoon unflavored gelatin
1 ½ cups nonfat dry milk
2 quarts whole milk
3 eggs, beaten (use only clean, uncracked eggs)
1 ½ tablespoons vanilla
1. Mix sugar, gelatin, nonfat dry milk and milk in the top of a double boiler. Cook over hot water to a temperature of 175º F.
2. Stir a little of the hot mixture into the beaten eggs, then stir the eggs into the remaining hot mixture.
3. Cook the entire mixture over hot water, while stirring constantly, for 1 minute.
4. Chill immediately by placing the top of the double boiler in ice water. Temperature of the ice milk mix should be 50º F before removing the mix. Add vanilla. Alternately, use pasteurized eggs, omitting steps 1-4 and simply mix dry ingredients (sugar and dry milk) with milk, cream and vanilla. Dissolve gelatin in ¼ cup of hot water. Add to mix and continue with step 5.
5. Pour into a 1-gallon ice cream canister; fill no more than two-thirds full. Refrigerate.
6. Freeze in a handcranked or electric ice cream freezer, packed with a mixture of 1 part rock salt and 6 parts crushed ice. Continue to freeze until the motor starts to labor or resistance is met when cranking.
7. Remove dasher and serve immediately.
This recipe makes 20 half-cup servings (about 2 ½ quarts).
Calories per serving: Approx. 150
Vanilla Ice Cream (cooked, with eggs)
2 cups sugar
2 teaspoons unflavored gelatin
¾ cup nonfat dry milk
1 quart pasteurized whole milk
3 cups whipping cream
4 eggs, beaten (use only clean, uncracked eggs)
2 tablespoons vanilla
1. Mix sugar, gelatin, nonfat dry milk, milk and cream in the top of a double boiler. Blend and heat over hot water until the temperature reaches 175ºF.
2. Stir a small amount of the hot mixture into the beaten eggs, then stir the eggs into the remaining hot mixture.
3. Cook the entire mixture, while stirring constantly, 1 minute longer.
4. Chill immediately by placing the top of the double boiler in ice water. Temperature should be 50ºF before removing from the ice water. Alternately, use pasteurized eggs, omitting steps 1-4 and simply mix dry ingredients (sugar and dry milk) with milk, cream and vanilla. Dissolve gelatin in ¼ cup of hot water. Add to mix and continue with step 5.
5. Pour into a clean ice cream freezer; fill no more than two-thirds full. Refrigerate 3-4 hours or overnight.
6. Freeze in a handcranked or electric ice cream freezer. Pack the outer shell with a mixture of 1 part rock salt and 6 parts crushed ice. Continue the freezing process until the motor labor or stiff resistance is met while cranking.
7. Remove dasher and serve immediately.
This recipe makes 20 half-cup servings (about 2 ½ quarts).
Calories per serving: Approx. 230
Vanilla Ice Cream (uncooked, no eggs)
3 cups pasteurized heavy cream
4 cups pasteurized whole milk
1 ½ cups instant nonfat dry milk
1 ½ cups sugar
1 tablespoon gelatin dissolved in ½ cup of hot water
1 tablespoon vanilla
1. Mix cream, milk, dissolved gelatin and vanilla into a large mixing bowl. Add dry milk and sugar.
2. Pour into a clean ice cream freezer; fill no more than two-thirds full. Refrigerate 3-4 hours or overnight.
3. Freeze in a handcranked or electric ice cream freezer. Pack the outer shell with a mixture of 1 part rock salt and 6 parts crushed ice. Continue the freezing process until the motor labor or stiff resistance is met while cranking.
4. Remove dasher and serve immediately.
Yield: 1 gallon
Source: This publication replaces B2766 Homemade Ice Cream and Ice Milk (1984) by Robert Bradley (retired) and Mary Mennes (retired). Revisions by Steve Ingham. Information included from Making Ice Cream at Home (A76) Circular 566. Pennsylvania State University (out of print). Designer and Editor: Christine Morris, Outreach Specialist, July 2003.,; photo from:www.
Posted by Gcol at 3:51 PM
Monday, March 12, 2007
How to cook stingray fish.

A friend from Boat design forum had asked me on how to cook stingray fish. Actually I'm not a cook, not even an amateur at it but since I don't want to let him down, I had spend some few minutes googling and found out a few site that have the topic.The hyperlink will take you to a site thats belongs to somebody else which have the recipe in English.There is a few more site but their recipe is in Malay language.
My life yesterday.

Ina, Nazirah and me went to see a doctor last night. Nothing wrong with Nazirah but then who is going to take care of her back home? Ina got this complain about rashes all over her torso, doctor had given her a white colored cream to be applied externally. I had what the doctor call golfers elbow, told her never heard about it before, tennis elbow yes, she explained that tennis elbow is on the opposite site of golf elbow. ”Tonight I will give you a jab for the pain and you will follow up with the pills tomorrow morning, ones a day” “if you are really keen to have the pain subside please take a break from golf for one week” “come on doc one week is too long a time” “the other option is for you come and see me weekly! Love to jab your backside!” “ In that case I’ll take a break, I love seeing you everyday doc but to be jab every week is not my idea of having a date with a doctor!” “You can be as beautiful as you come but to have the needle pierce into me weekly is not something that I fancy even if it come from a beautiful doctor”. “ I’ll also give you some Glucosamine tablet to assist in your sinovial fluid production” ahh.. now I had become an old timer, needed some help to boost my sinovial fluid production so that all my joints will remain split a good distance instead of rubbing each other.

Ina asked about my Performance bonus rating. Told her that the previous number from my line manager had been adjusted by my department manager by a factor of 0.1, this bring down my bonus about RM1.6K. Of course I do feel hurt by it, it is not so much the amount of money it is the show of appreciation of my performance during the 2006 run. Discussed with my line manager about this and how to overcome this problem again in 2007 run. He had discussed this issue with the department manager and actually the problem is that even though we had manage to increase the reliability and availability of the equipment we had no clear cut claim on the success! The outcome of the discussion had highlighted the path for us to pursue in the coming years. Every project need to be put under limelight to claim acknowledgement from the top management and on my part I need to ensure that all project related to me do have my signature there so that I will be able to claim the credits. Gone are the humble days of helping each other just for the sake of it. For every help rendered I will ensure that I claim the credits!

Ina asked about my Performance bonus rating. Told her that the previous number from my line manager had been adjusted by my department manager by a factor of 0.1, this bring down my bonus about RM1.6K. Of course I do feel hurt by it, it is not so much the amount of money it is the show of appreciation of my performance during the 2006 run. Discussed with my line manager about this and how to overcome this problem again in 2007 run. He had discussed this issue with the department manager and actually the problem is that even though we had manage to increase the reliability and availability of the equipment we had no clear cut claim on the success! The outcome of the discussion had highlighted the path for us to pursue in the coming years. Every project need to be put under limelight to claim acknowledgement from the top management and on my part I need to ensure that all project related to me do have my signature there so that I will be able to claim the credits. Gone are the humble days of helping each other just for the sake of it. For every help rendered I will ensure that I claim the credits!
Friday, March 09, 2007
My boss just send me a challange

Saturday and Sunday is approaching, I just hope there won't be any e-mail from my boss today. Typical of him to send mail at the last minutes, but there is one from him today and this one mail is enough!He had mail me this photo! Looks like I will have to spend the weekends at the golf course again. What ? Me complaining ? is just the size of the 'hole' that make me furious! Huh..he just wait I will show him that I'm better than that..and at the same time ensure thats lunch and dinner is on him!
Thursday, March 08, 2007
An evening at the driving range.

@16.45 yesterday I'm off from the office, rush home to collect the golf beg and my children, rush again to the golf club. Actually we went to the driving range. Shida are not interested in golf but Ina do really enjoying it. She is also good at bowling than. Nazirah create a tantrum when we tried to hold her back from her 'swinging' mum.She also want to have a shot at golf ? Quite funny actually to looks at Nazirah dragging the 9 iron which if put standing straight will be taller than her. Nazirah the one that just able to walk a few steps and falls, looks up for the target, address the ball, try a swing and actually try to hit the ball! Of course Ina got to assist her after a few false swing and that's including a few topple down! Ah.. to witnessed her joy and pride when she manage to hit the ball and make the ball move forward a few feet. I'm really surprise, never had I expected to see my not even 2 yrs old daughter give her hand a try at golf..! Oh dear..if you keep on going at this surreal fast face maybe you will be able to sit for your handicap test when you are 5 five years old! I'll get you a kid set just for the fun of it!
Met my friend who just pick up golf this last few months and have a look at his brand new set of Mizuno iron and woods. The set cost him RM2K, but what I doesn't understand is his comments on the set "aah..just RM1998 it is o.k , just a beginner set. Doesn't expect much from it". Wow.. speak like a true tour pro golfers..! I just doesn't know whether he is proud with the set or just being humble or what? Mine I got it used or in softer words 'pre owned'! Even though the brand new price is real stiff but mine cost me only 1/7 of his set! Anyway I'm just a cheap skate who shop at sales or discounted fare or' pre owned'.
Met my friend who just pick up golf this last few months and have a look at his brand new set of Mizuno iron and woods. The set cost him RM2K, but what I doesn't understand is his comments on the set "aah..just RM1998 it is o.k , just a beginner set. Doesn't expect much from it". Wow.. speak like a true tour pro golfers..! I just doesn't know whether he is proud with the set or just being humble or what? Mine I got it used or in softer words 'pre owned'! Even though the brand new price is real stiff but mine cost me only 1/7 of his set! Anyway I'm just a cheap skate who shop at sales or discounted fare or' pre owned'.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Pesanan dari seorang kawan
Seorang kawan telah hantar e-mail ni, sengaja saya panjangkan kepada anda semua. Sebenarnya dah banyak kali terima tetapi masih lagi menarik perhatian untuk dibaca.Silakan.
Ali bin Abi Talib r.a berkata " Sewaktu Rasullullah saw duduk bersama para
sahabat Muhajirin dan Ansar, maka dengan tiba-tiba datanglah satu rombongan
orang-orang Yahudi lalu berkata: "Ya Muhammad, kami hendak bertanya kepada
kamu kalimat-kalimat yang telah diberikan oleh Allah kepada Nabi Musa a.s
yang telah diberikan kecuali kepada para Nabi utusan Allah atau malaikat
Lalu Rasullallah saw bersabda, "Silakan bertanya"
Berkata orang Yahudi, "Sila terangkan kepada kami tentang 5 waktu yang
diwajibkan oleh Allah ke atas umatmu"
Sabda Rasullallah saw, "Sembahyang Zuhur jika tergelincir matahari, maka
bertasbihlah segala sesuatu kepada Tuhannya. Sembahyang Asar itu ialah saat
ketika Nabi Adam a.s memakan buah khuldi. Sembahyang Maghrib itu adalah saat
Allah menerima taubat Nabi Adam a.s. Maka setiap mukmin yang bersembahyang
Maghrib dengan ikhlas dan kemudian dia berdoa meminta sesuatu pada Allah
maka Allah pasti akan mengkabulkan permintaanya. Sembahyang Isyak itu ialah
sembahyang yang dikerjakan oleh para Rasul sebelumku.
Sembahyang Subuh adalah sebelum terbit matahari. Ini kerana apabila matahari
terbit, terbitnya di antara dua tanduk syaitan dan di situ sujudnya setiap
orang kafir"
Setelah orang Yahudi mendengar penjelasan dari Rasullallah saw, lalu mereka
berkata, "Memang benar apa yang kamu katakan itu Muhammad. Katakanlah kepada
kami apakah pahala yang akan didapati oleh orang yang bersembahyang?"
Rasullallah saw bersabda, "Jagalah waktu-waktu sembahyang terutama
sembahyang yang pertengahan. Sembahyang Zuhur, pada saat itu nyalanya neraka
Jahanam. Orang-orang mukmin yang mengerjakan sembahyang pada ketika itu akan
diharamkan ke atasnya wap api neraka Jahannam pada hari Kiamat"
Sabda Rasullallah lagi, "Manakala sembahyang Asar adalah saat di mana Nabi
Adam a.s memakan buih khuldi. Orang-orang mukmin yang mengerjakan sembahyang
Asar akan diampunkan dosanya seperti bayi yang baru lahir."
Selepas itu Rasullallah saw membaca ayat yang bermaksud, "Jagalah
waktu-waktu sembahyang terutama sekali sembahyang pertengahan. Sembahyang
Maghrib itu adalah saat di mana taubat Nabi Adam a.s diterima. Seorang
mukmin yang ikhlas mengerjakan sembahyang Maghrib kemudian meminta sesuatu
daripada Allah, maka Allah akan perkenankan"
Sabda Rasullallah saw, "Sembahyang Isyak (atamah). Katakan kubur itu adalah
sangat gelap dan begitu juga pada hari Kiamat, maka seorang mukmin yang
berjalan dalam malam yang gelap untuk pergi menunaikan sembahyang Isyak
berjemaah, Allah SWT haramkan dirinya daripada terkena nyala api neraka dan
diberikan kepadanya cahaya untuk menyeberangi Titian Sirath"
Sabda Rasullallah saw seterusnya, "Sembahyang Subuh pula, seseorang mukmin
yang mengerjakan sembahyang Subuh selama 40 hari secara berjemaah diberikan
kepadanya oleh Allah SWT dua kebebasan iaitu:
â Dibebaskan daripada api neraka.
â Dibebaskan dari nifaq.
Setelah orang Yahudi mendengar penjelasan daripada Rasullallah saw, maka
mereka berkata,
" Memang benarlah apa yang kamu katakan itu wahai Muhammad saw. Kini katakan
pula kepada kami semua, kenapakah Allah SWT mewajibkan puasa 30 hari ke atas
Sabda Rasullallah saw, " Ketika Nabi Adam memakan buah pohon khuldi yang
dilarang, lalu makanan itu tersangkut dalam perut Nabi Adam a.s selama 30
hari. Kemudian Allah SWT mewajibkan ke atas keturunan Adam a.s berlapar
selema 30 hari. Sementara diizin makan di waktu malam itu adalah sebagai
kurnia Allah SWT kepada makhluk-Nya"
Kata orang Yahudi lagi, " Wahai Muhammad, memang benarlah apa yang kamu
katakan itu. Kini terangkan kepada kami mengenai ganjaran pahala yang
diperolehi daripada berpuasa itu"
Sabda Rasullallah saw, " Semoga hamba yang berpuasa dalam bulan Ramadhan
dengan ikhlas kepada Allah SWT, dia akan di berikan oleh Allah SWT 7 perkara
â Rahmat Allah sentiasa dekat dengannya â Akan di cairkan daging
haram yang tumbuh dari badannya (daging yang tumbuh daripada makanan yang
haram.) âDiberi oleh Allah sebaik-baik amal.
âDijauhkan daripada merasa lapar dan dahaga.
âDiringankan baginya siksa kubur (siksa yang amat mengerikan)
â Diberikan cahaya oleh Allah SWT pada hari Kiamat untuk menyeberangi
Titian Sirath.
â Allah SWT akan memberinya kemudian di syurga.
Kata orang Yahudi lagi, "Benar apa yang kamu katakan itu Muhammad. Katakan
kepada kami kelebihanmu di antara semua para nabi"
Sabda Rasullallah saw, "Seorang nabi menggunakan doa mustajabnya untuk
membinasakan umatnya, tetapi saya tetap menyimpankan doa saya (untuk saya
gunakan memberi syafaat kepada umat saya di hari Kiamat).
Kata orang Yahudi, " Benar apa yang kamu katakan itu Muhammad. Kini kami
mengaku dengan ucapan Asyhadu Alla illaha illallah, wa annaka Rasulallah
(kami percaya bahawa tiada Tuhan melainkan Allah dan engkau utusan Allah)"
Sedikit peringatan untuk kita semua:
"Dan sesungguhnya akan Kami berikan cubaan kepadamu dengan sedikit
ketakutan, kelaparan, kekurangan harta, jiwa dan buah-buahan. Dan berilah
berita gembira kepada orang-orang yang sabar" (Surah Al-Baqarah: ayat 155)
"Allah tidak membebani seseorang melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya. Ia
mendapat pahala (dari kebajikan) yang diusahakannya dan ia mendapat siksa
(dari kejahatan) yang dikerjakannya" (Surah Al-Baqara
Ali bin Abi Talib r.a berkata " Sewaktu Rasullullah saw duduk bersama para
sahabat Muhajirin dan Ansar, maka dengan tiba-tiba datanglah satu rombongan
orang-orang Yahudi lalu berkata: "Ya Muhammad, kami hendak bertanya kepada
kamu kalimat-kalimat yang telah diberikan oleh Allah kepada Nabi Musa a.s
yang telah diberikan kecuali kepada para Nabi utusan Allah atau malaikat
Lalu Rasullallah saw bersabda, "Silakan bertanya"
Berkata orang Yahudi, "Sila terangkan kepada kami tentang 5 waktu yang
diwajibkan oleh Allah ke atas umatmu"
Sabda Rasullallah saw, "Sembahyang Zuhur jika tergelincir matahari, maka
bertasbihlah segala sesuatu kepada Tuhannya. Sembahyang Asar itu ialah saat
ketika Nabi Adam a.s memakan buah khuldi. Sembahyang Maghrib itu adalah saat
Allah menerima taubat Nabi Adam a.s. Maka setiap mukmin yang bersembahyang
Maghrib dengan ikhlas dan kemudian dia berdoa meminta sesuatu pada Allah
maka Allah pasti akan mengkabulkan permintaanya. Sembahyang Isyak itu ialah
sembahyang yang dikerjakan oleh para Rasul sebelumku.
Sembahyang Subuh adalah sebelum terbit matahari. Ini kerana apabila matahari
terbit, terbitnya di antara dua tanduk syaitan dan di situ sujudnya setiap
orang kafir"
Setelah orang Yahudi mendengar penjelasan dari Rasullallah saw, lalu mereka
berkata, "Memang benar apa yang kamu katakan itu Muhammad. Katakanlah kepada
kami apakah pahala yang akan didapati oleh orang yang bersembahyang?"
Rasullallah saw bersabda, "Jagalah waktu-waktu sembahyang terutama
sembahyang yang pertengahan. Sembahyang Zuhur, pada saat itu nyalanya neraka
Jahanam. Orang-orang mukmin yang mengerjakan sembahyang pada ketika itu akan
diharamkan ke atasnya wap api neraka Jahannam pada hari Kiamat"
Sabda Rasullallah lagi, "Manakala sembahyang Asar adalah saat di mana Nabi
Adam a.s memakan buih khuldi. Orang-orang mukmin yang mengerjakan sembahyang
Asar akan diampunkan dosanya seperti bayi yang baru lahir."
Selepas itu Rasullallah saw membaca ayat yang bermaksud, "Jagalah
waktu-waktu sembahyang terutama sekali sembahyang pertengahan. Sembahyang
Maghrib itu adalah saat di mana taubat Nabi Adam a.s diterima. Seorang
mukmin yang ikhlas mengerjakan sembahyang Maghrib kemudian meminta sesuatu
daripada Allah, maka Allah akan perkenankan"
Sabda Rasullallah saw, "Sembahyang Isyak (atamah). Katakan kubur itu adalah
sangat gelap dan begitu juga pada hari Kiamat, maka seorang mukmin yang
berjalan dalam malam yang gelap untuk pergi menunaikan sembahyang Isyak
berjemaah, Allah SWT haramkan dirinya daripada terkena nyala api neraka dan
diberikan kepadanya cahaya untuk menyeberangi Titian Sirath"
Sabda Rasullallah saw seterusnya, "Sembahyang Subuh pula, seseorang mukmin
yang mengerjakan sembahyang Subuh selama 40 hari secara berjemaah diberikan
kepadanya oleh Allah SWT dua kebebasan iaitu:
â Dibebaskan daripada api neraka.
â Dibebaskan dari nifaq.
Setelah orang Yahudi mendengar penjelasan daripada Rasullallah saw, maka
mereka berkata,
" Memang benarlah apa yang kamu katakan itu wahai Muhammad saw. Kini katakan
pula kepada kami semua, kenapakah Allah SWT mewajibkan puasa 30 hari ke atas
Sabda Rasullallah saw, " Ketika Nabi Adam memakan buah pohon khuldi yang
dilarang, lalu makanan itu tersangkut dalam perut Nabi Adam a.s selama 30
hari. Kemudian Allah SWT mewajibkan ke atas keturunan Adam a.s berlapar
selema 30 hari. Sementara diizin makan di waktu malam itu adalah sebagai
kurnia Allah SWT kepada makhluk-Nya"
Kata orang Yahudi lagi, " Wahai Muhammad, memang benarlah apa yang kamu
katakan itu. Kini terangkan kepada kami mengenai ganjaran pahala yang
diperolehi daripada berpuasa itu"
Sabda Rasullallah saw, " Semoga hamba yang berpuasa dalam bulan Ramadhan
dengan ikhlas kepada Allah SWT, dia akan di berikan oleh Allah SWT 7 perkara
â Rahmat Allah sentiasa dekat dengannya â Akan di cairkan daging
haram yang tumbuh dari badannya (daging yang tumbuh daripada makanan yang
haram.) âDiberi oleh Allah sebaik-baik amal.
âDijauhkan daripada merasa lapar dan dahaga.
âDiringankan baginya siksa kubur (siksa yang amat mengerikan)
â Diberikan cahaya oleh Allah SWT pada hari Kiamat untuk menyeberangi
Titian Sirath.
â Allah SWT akan memberinya kemudian di syurga.
Kata orang Yahudi lagi, "Benar apa yang kamu katakan itu Muhammad. Katakan
kepada kami kelebihanmu di antara semua para nabi"
Sabda Rasullallah saw, "Seorang nabi menggunakan doa mustajabnya untuk
membinasakan umatnya, tetapi saya tetap menyimpankan doa saya (untuk saya
gunakan memberi syafaat kepada umat saya di hari Kiamat).
Kata orang Yahudi, " Benar apa yang kamu katakan itu Muhammad. Kini kami
mengaku dengan ucapan Asyhadu Alla illaha illallah, wa annaka Rasulallah
(kami percaya bahawa tiada Tuhan melainkan Allah dan engkau utusan Allah)"
Sedikit peringatan untuk kita semua:
"Dan sesungguhnya akan Kami berikan cubaan kepadamu dengan sedikit
ketakutan, kelaparan, kekurangan harta, jiwa dan buah-buahan. Dan berilah
berita gembira kepada orang-orang yang sabar" (Surah Al-Baqarah: ayat 155)
"Allah tidak membebani seseorang melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya. Ia
mendapat pahala (dari kebajikan) yang diusahakannya dan ia mendapat siksa
(dari kejahatan) yang dikerjakannya" (Surah Al-Baqara
Monday, March 05, 2007
Ini ada satu cerita aku nak kongsi dengan anda semua.
Intro: Cerita ni berlaku beberapa bulan sudah di sebuah hospital swasta , hampir kesemua urusan yang melibatkan hospital untuk keluarga aku , kami gunakan khidmat hospital swasta tersebut.Disebabkan isteri dan anak-anak aku selalu sakit, selalulah aku berkunjung ke hospital tersebut. Kebanyakan staff di hospital tu kenal aku dan keluarga aku, penyumbang kepada pertumbuhan ekonomi hospital mereka.
Body: Seorang wanita agen insuran telah berjaya mendekati aku semasa aku sedang bersendirian di ruang lobby hospital dan memulakan serangan, ada banyak syarikat insuran yang beroperasi di hospital tersebut. Aku dah kenal hampir kesemua ejen – ejen insuran yang berpengkalan di situ.Tapi aku tak pernah bersua dengan wanita ini. Aku pernah bermalam lebih dari sebulan di hospital tersebut, menjadi perkara biasa untuk bertandang dan bersembang dengan ejen-ejen yang dah bosan memujuk aku tu.. Selepas sesi berkenalan ejen tersebut pun mula membuka langkah kedua dan seterusnya hingga entah langkah ke berapa entah dalam usahanya untuk memujuk aku membeli insuran perubatan dan insuran nyawa dari kumpulan mereka. Secara terus terang aku beritahu dia dah jejak ke berapa ratus ribu belanja perubatan kami sekeluarga dan aku bertanya kepada dia ‘bolehkah syarikat insuran yang awak wakili memberikan saya coverage seperti ini? atau lebih bagus dari apa yang saya ada sekarang?’. Kesian dia..termangu-mangu juga nak menjawap. Aku bukan menguji kepandaian ejen atau sengaja cuba mencari kelemahan sesuatu organisasi, aku cuma nak pastikan premium yang aku akan beli nanti akan memberikan coverage yang sebenar seperti di war-warkan bukan nya berdolak dalik ketika aku sangat memerlukan coverage tersebut. Aku beritahu juga coverage yang bagai mana yang aku dan keluarga aku perlukan dimasa hadapan.Malang nya syarikat mereka juga tidak punya coverage sedemikian. O.K .

Disebabkan masa aku masih panjang , dan dia telah menyentuh satu isu yang aku sangat suka, aku pun sambung lagi bersembang dengan nya. Dia tanya “You tak teringin ker nak punya Merc atau BM ?” Aku jawap teringin jugak.. ”sebab tu la I kata kalau you buat macam punya peluang untuk menang cabutan bertuah tu..!” “ berapa persen peluang untuk I menang ?” “ Itu nasib you lah..” Aku beritahu dia aku tak suka BM tetapi aku suka Merc. Mdm aku suka BM dan aku memang punya Merc yang bagus..S class lagi. Dia agak surprise dan berkata “you doesn’t looks like you own one” “ Mercedes owner doesn’t need to wear neck tie or expensive clothing or even long sleeve. Typically we wear what ever we like and couldn’t be bothered much with what the others think about us “. Dia bertanya lagi “are you a millionaire?” “ Yes I’am”, “ no I don’t believe you “ “ it is O.K but just to proove it to you, first we have to be clear about the definition of a milionaire. To me it mean somebody who had acquired at least one million ringgit, whether all the money is still with him or he had spend the whole million that’s is in material. Can we agree to that? O.K then. If a worker had been working with a minimum income of RM50k per annum and had been at it for the last 20 years, for sure he had earned 1 million Ringgit right. So he is a millionaire. “Whether he is a millionaire that had spend his million is in material to me” “ so when do you make your million?”
“ Before my 40th birthday” “ had you make your million madam?” “No. I’m still trying real hard to make it”. Later on she had asked for advice on HOW TO MAKE HER MILLION. No problemo.

It is so happen at that time the only idea that came rushing through my brain is about environmentry conservation and recycle, so I had put forth the idea to her, after I’m finished, she look aghast and try real hard just to be polite. Told her don’t worry maybe that idea is not for you but just think about it, maybe it is applicable to your non muslim friends. “You can tell them and asked them to make it workable and they will be on their way to make their million!“ Even though I have her number, I had never call. Is there any of you that harbors the yen to be a millionaire? I might be able to assist you. Bear this in mind, it is a long and tough journey, there is no such thing as short cut. Ideas from me is free of charge, but those involving paper works and consultancy on how to make it workable, you have to bear the cost. Are you ready?
Body: Seorang wanita agen insuran telah berjaya mendekati aku semasa aku sedang bersendirian di ruang lobby hospital dan memulakan serangan, ada banyak syarikat insuran yang beroperasi di hospital tersebut. Aku dah kenal hampir kesemua ejen – ejen insuran yang berpengkalan di situ.Tapi aku tak pernah bersua dengan wanita ini. Aku pernah bermalam lebih dari sebulan di hospital tersebut, menjadi perkara biasa untuk bertandang dan bersembang dengan ejen-ejen yang dah bosan memujuk aku tu.. Selepas sesi berkenalan ejen tersebut pun mula membuka langkah kedua dan seterusnya hingga entah langkah ke berapa entah dalam usahanya untuk memujuk aku membeli insuran perubatan dan insuran nyawa dari kumpulan mereka. Secara terus terang aku beritahu dia dah jejak ke berapa ratus ribu belanja perubatan kami sekeluarga dan aku bertanya kepada dia ‘bolehkah syarikat insuran yang awak wakili memberikan saya coverage seperti ini? atau lebih bagus dari apa yang saya ada sekarang?’. Kesian dia..termangu-mangu juga nak menjawap. Aku bukan menguji kepandaian ejen atau sengaja cuba mencari kelemahan sesuatu organisasi, aku cuma nak pastikan premium yang aku akan beli nanti akan memberikan coverage yang sebenar seperti di war-warkan bukan nya berdolak dalik ketika aku sangat memerlukan coverage tersebut. Aku beritahu juga coverage yang bagai mana yang aku dan keluarga aku perlukan dimasa hadapan.Malang nya syarikat mereka juga tidak punya coverage sedemikian. O.K .

Disebabkan masa aku masih panjang , dan dia telah menyentuh satu isu yang aku sangat suka, aku pun sambung lagi bersembang dengan nya. Dia tanya “You tak teringin ker nak punya Merc atau BM ?” Aku jawap teringin jugak.. ”sebab tu la I kata kalau you buat macam punya peluang untuk menang cabutan bertuah tu..!” “ berapa persen peluang untuk I menang ?” “ Itu nasib you lah..” Aku beritahu dia aku tak suka BM tetapi aku suka Merc. Mdm aku suka BM dan aku memang punya Merc yang bagus..S class lagi. Dia agak surprise dan berkata “you doesn’t looks like you own one” “ Mercedes owner doesn’t need to wear neck tie or expensive clothing or even long sleeve. Typically we wear what ever we like and couldn’t be bothered much with what the others think about us “. Dia bertanya lagi “are you a millionaire?” “ Yes I’am”, “ no I don’t believe you “ “ it is O.K but just to proove it to you, first we have to be clear about the definition of a milionaire. To me it mean somebody who had acquired at least one million ringgit, whether all the money is still with him or he had spend the whole million that’s is in material. Can we agree to that? O.K then. If a worker had been working with a minimum income of RM50k per annum and had been at it for the last 20 years, for sure he had earned 1 million Ringgit right. So he is a millionaire. “Whether he is a millionaire that had spend his million is in material to me” “ so when do you make your million?”
“ Before my 40th birthday” “ had you make your million madam?” “No. I’m still trying real hard to make it”. Later on she had asked for advice on HOW TO MAKE HER MILLION. No problemo.

It is so happen at that time the only idea that came rushing through my brain is about environmentry conservation and recycle, so I had put forth the idea to her, after I’m finished, she look aghast and try real hard just to be polite. Told her don’t worry maybe that idea is not for you but just think about it, maybe it is applicable to your non muslim friends. “You can tell them and asked them to make it workable and they will be on their way to make their million!“ Even though I have her number, I had never call. Is there any of you that harbors the yen to be a millionaire? I might be able to assist you. Bear this in mind, it is a long and tough journey, there is no such thing as short cut. Ideas from me is free of charge, but those involving paper works and consultancy on how to make it workable, you have to bear the cost. Are you ready?
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Long Service award
March, April, May, to be precise 3 rd May, my 25 anniversary. Not my wedding anniversary it is my service anniversary. That first day I reported for work is still very fresh in my memory, at times it is so clear that it can just be a few days ago. Oh my, oh my that’s took place somewhere in 1982! I had never dream to stay for so long in one organization but by the facts of it I had hang on for 25 years! After deliberating on this item with Shida we had found out it is the environment and natures surrounding of Port Dickson that had prompted us to stay a little bit longer here. My relative, brothers and sisters who had opted to stay in metropolitan KL had all shifted somewhere else so long ago. Since years ago the cost of living in small town like Port Dickson is so low comparatively to a bigger size township but the advantage of PD is that nearly all the big cities are within 1 to 2 hours reach be it by land or air. I had been offered promotion and increment on merit for 3 times during my service but too bad got to decline gracefully due to the need of transfer out of PD. Even the Company Chairman had make known his frustration on my decline to accept his offer to be transferred to KL. Spend more than one hour explaining to his emissary about the reasons why I’m force to decline. What Chairman can accept it when his lowly subject decline to accept the honor personally awarded upon him? Thanks god he do really understand my situation. One of the reasons why those arrogant line manager cannot have the upper hand on me! Thank you Datuk for your legacy. That’s actually worth more than it weights in gold because that’s what help me to survive in the back stabbing real world. It is much more valuable than the coming RM6k for my long service award.
Shida and me going to celebrate our 21st anniversary come this December. Rest assured there will be another long service award for both of us. This award is just still at my dream stage. Hopefully this dream will become real. Shida had
agreed to sell off our bungalow to assist me achieving this dream or to put a pillar for the castle that we had built on the air, to make it real. Thank you my love for your understanding but we are still in control of all the elements. Don’t worry dear, to me one of the joy of this life is not just arriving at the destination it is the journey that I’m very interested in! A full stomach is just that, a full stomach. It is the joy of having delicious food that’s will linger around a fresh for years to come. So let’s see whether we will have the opportunity to be at this concert to savior the music of nature when the rushing wind fill up our sail, whistling through the stays with the jib boom like raking fingers pointing the way and the luminosity sea water swirling behind the stern bubbling away….Oh my dear oh my love I will ensured we got the tickets.
Shida and me going to celebrate our 21st anniversary come this December. Rest assured there will be another long service award for both of us. This award is just still at my dream stage. Hopefully this dream will become real. Shida had

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About Me

- Ari
- Born in 1962, reborn in 2005. Planning to sail the world with my all those exotic places..anyway since we are not that rich and we love to shares..some berth will be allocated for paying guest..welcome aboard..!