While searching for mahogany seeds information I had came across an article from a Philipines web site that related to my search. An excerp of the article are pasted to my blog and the hyperlink to the site are provided. I'm not very sure whether you had came across the Sky fruit or Mahogany seeds. Just be careful.
" People take it for all kinds of diseases and disorders. But our study proved that mahogany (Swietenia mahogani Jacq.) seed isn't a cure-all alternative remedy after all. Conducted by the National Integrated Research Program on Medicinal Plants (NIRPROMP), our study showed that mahogany seeds are mutagenic and toxic to the liver. They are also toxic to the central nervous system, causing decreased motor activity, respiratory difficulty, loss of screen grip, convulsion, and diarrhea. Moreover, they depress arterial blood pressure. Our study debunked the common belief that mahogany seeds have anti-arthritic and anti-inflammatory activities. Based on these findings, we recommended that people refrain from eating raw mahogany seeds."
This is an excerp from an Indonesian site.
"Dalam farmakologi Cina dan pengobatan tradisional lain disebutkan, tanaman ini memiliki sifat pahit, dingin, antipiretik (penurun panas), anti jamur dan menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi. Efek farmakologis ini diperoleh dari penggunaan biji yang dikeringkan, digiling halus sampai menjadi serbuk.
Khasiat dari biji mahoni yaitu untuk mengatasi tekanan darah tinggi, kencing manis/diabetes mellitus, kurang nafsu makan, rematik, demam, masuk angin, dan eksim. Cara mengolah biasanya biji tersebut dihaluskan menjadi bubuk lalu diseduh dengan air panas. Sedangkan dosisnya disesuaikan dengan jenis penyakitnya dan umur penderita. "
Setakat ini tiada article atu kertas kajian tentang pokok ini di bentangkan oleh pengkaji dari Malaysia.
Herba yang penting untuk masak -memasak.
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- Ari
- Born in 1962, reborn in 2005. Planning to sail the world with my family..to all those exotic places..anyway since we are not that rich and we love to shares..some berth will be allocated for paying guest..welcome aboard..!
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