Today is Saturday 23-09-2006, tomorrow is first day of Ramadhan..the fasting month..day after tomorrow Baya will be admitted at Seremban Specialist Centre hospital for corrective operation follow up from her previous operation..we are really worried about her condition.On the fourteenth of this month I had accompany her to see doctor Shukor a specialist that had performed her previous operation and from the X-Ray it was noted that two of the Titanium screw had became loose..so she need to have the two screw re position and and at the same time to jack up a bit on the left side of T-5 and clamp down on the right side, this suppose to balance her so that she will be able to stand straight and walk straight..not like a crab.. my concern is she won't be able to bend her body from side to side..bending forward is not a problem.Two new screw to hold the whole assembly to the pelvic bone..she will end up with 17 Titanium screw and two long pieces of Titanium plate about 14 inches long..for sure all this amount of metal will trigger even the grand father of metal detector ! The cost are estimated to be in the region of RM15 K. Sorry my love..I'm trying my level best to give from the best technology available now..for you.I know it is painful and cumbersome, shed no tears dear..life is tough..safe it for some other occasion..we will weather this one through..isyaallah..
All the best to Baya...
Thank you Nong.
As per today she manage to walk on her own though she still needed physical supports from the others to sit up and to step down from the bed.
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