Herba yang penting untuk masak -memasak.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
Ping Pong

Ahad 12-11-2006
Satu perlawanan persahabatan antara kelab sukan kami dengan Yacht club telah diadakan. Suspence jugak sebab kami tak tahu kekuatan diaorang. Aku memang tak mahu main single..takut tak boleh tahan..mahu pancit aku kalau kena oponent yang rating dia bagus..hancus..Aku diletakkan sebagai pemain untuk bergu pertama lelaki, boleh lah tu..masa warming up tu..pemain dia orang lepak jer..suspence aku..aku teruskan stroke dengan sifu Foo partner aku untuk double game nanti.Build up confidence dengan cuba beberapa variasi stroke,pemain opponent asyik berbisik-bisik..haru..cool man..macam tournament la pulak..!
Perlawanan lelaki pertama, sifu..aku tengok main-main jer melayan lawan dia..langsung dia tak keluarkan apa-apa buah dan serangan rahsia dia, itupun dia menang straight 3 set dari 5 set.Hairan jugak aku mungkin dia orang dah tukar pemain utama dia jadi pemain kedua tak..tapi pemain second man single dia orang pun tengah berhempas pulas di kerja kan oleh Teoh..Teoh menang straight 3 set dari 5 set. First ladies single dan second ladies single pun dia orang kecundang straight 3 set dari 5 set, second man double main dulu..di ikuti first ladies double..first man single main last..disebabkan kami dah leading dan dia orang tak punya harapan lagi..aku cuba nak beri dia orang kemenangan untuk set ini..sifu lepak habis..aku gunakan serve gaya Man Tiger side spin( 100 % side) dan top spin (100 % top), serve jenis ni takat ni hanya sifu yang boleh angkat dengan bagus..malang nya opponent aku langsung tak boleh angkat bola tu, kami menang kesemua perlawanan straight set. Rupa-rupanya diaorang hanya main sebulan sekali..kami main tiap minggu..patut la nampak macam boleh main tapi tak tepat dan konsisten..! Lepas games aku dan yang lain-lain teruskan stroke dengan sifu. Happy juga aku bila skill lama aku dah kembali semula walaupun mungkin tak akan dapat sepenuhnya balik..tapi takat ni aku dah cukup happy. Sekarang aku perlu tumpukan perhatian untuk slim kan badan sikit, baru boleh bergerak dengan lebih ringan dan pantas ! Semenjak kehadiran dua anak kecil aku tu..aku dah tak pernah menjengah ke padang golf lagi, sibuk ler..aku selalu teringat kan dia dua orang tu..sampai nak pergi padang golf pun tak sanggup..!
Malam tu dia orang bagi dinner kat club, allright juga dinner tu..9 course..Ina happy sebab tak payah masak malam tu..Nazirah jadi jemputan termuda..!
Satu perlawanan persahabatan antara kelab sukan kami dengan Yacht club telah diadakan. Suspence jugak sebab kami tak tahu kekuatan diaorang. Aku memang tak mahu main single..takut tak boleh tahan..mahu pancit aku kalau kena oponent yang rating dia bagus..hancus..Aku diletakkan sebagai pemain untuk bergu pertama lelaki, boleh lah tu..masa warming up tu..pemain dia orang lepak jer..suspence aku..aku teruskan stroke dengan sifu Foo partner aku untuk double game nanti.Build up confidence dengan cuba beberapa variasi stroke,pemain opponent asyik berbisik-bisik..haru..cool man..macam tournament la pulak..!
Perlawanan lelaki pertama, sifu..aku tengok main-main jer melayan lawan dia..langsung dia tak keluarkan apa-apa buah dan serangan rahsia dia, itupun dia menang straight 3 set dari 5 set.Hairan jugak aku mungkin dia orang dah tukar pemain utama dia jadi pemain kedua tak..tapi pemain second man single dia orang pun tengah berhempas pulas di kerja kan oleh Teoh..Teoh menang straight 3 set dari 5 set. First ladies single dan second ladies single pun dia orang kecundang straight 3 set dari 5 set, second man double main dulu..di ikuti first ladies double..first man single main last..disebabkan kami dah leading dan dia orang tak punya harapan lagi..aku cuba nak beri dia orang kemenangan untuk set ini..sifu lepak habis..aku gunakan serve gaya Man Tiger side spin( 100 % side) dan top spin (100 % top), serve jenis ni takat ni hanya sifu yang boleh angkat dengan bagus..malang nya opponent aku langsung tak boleh angkat bola tu, kami menang kesemua perlawanan straight set. Rupa-rupanya diaorang hanya main sebulan sekali..kami main tiap minggu..patut la nampak macam boleh main tapi tak tepat dan konsisten..! Lepas games aku dan yang lain-lain teruskan stroke dengan sifu. Happy juga aku bila skill lama aku dah kembali semula walaupun mungkin tak akan dapat sepenuhnya balik..tapi takat ni aku dah cukup happy. Sekarang aku perlu tumpukan perhatian untuk slim kan badan sikit, baru boleh bergerak dengan lebih ringan dan pantas ! Semenjak kehadiran dua anak kecil aku tu..aku dah tak pernah menjengah ke padang golf lagi, sibuk ler..aku selalu teringat kan dia dua orang tu..sampai nak pergi padang golf pun tak sanggup..!
Malam tu dia orang bagi dinner kat club, allright juga dinner tu..9 course..Ina happy sebab tak payah masak malam tu..Nazirah jadi jemputan termuda..!
Friday, November 03, 2006
News from AP about fish and food

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Clambakes, crabcakes, swordfish steaks and even humble fish sticks could be little more than a fond memory in a few decades.
If current trends of overfishing and pollution continue, the populations of just about all seafood face collapse by 2048, a team of ecologists and economists warns in a report in Friday's issue of the journal Science.
"Whether we looked at tide pools or studies over the entire world's ocean, we saw the same picture emerging. In losing species we lose the productivity and stability of entire ecosystems," said the lead author Boris Worm of Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
"I was shocked and disturbed by how consistent these trends are -- beyond anything we suspected," Worm said.
While the study focused on the oceans, concerns have been expressed by ecologists about threats to fish in the Great Lakes and other lakes, rivers and freshwaters, too.
Worm and an international team spent four years analyzing 32 controlled experiments, other studies from 48 marine protected areas and global catch data from the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization's database of all fish and invertebrates worldwide from 1950 to 2003.
The scientists also looked at a 1,000-year time series for 12 coastal regions, drawing on data from archives, fishery records, sediment cores and archaeological data.
"At this point 29 percent of fish and seafood species have collapsed -- that is, their catch has declined by 90 percent. It is a very clear trend, and it is accelerating," Worm said. "If the long-term trend continues, all fish and seafood species are projected to collapse within my lifetime -- by 2048."
"It looks grim and the projection of the trend into the future looks even grimmer," he said. "But it's not too late to turn this around. It can be done, but it must be done soon. We need a shift from single species management to ecosystem management. It just requires a big chunk of political will to do it."
The researchers called for new marine reserves, better management to prevent overfishing and tighter controls on pollution.
In the 48 areas worldwide that have been protected to improve marine biodiversity, they found, "diversity of species recovered dramatically, and with it the ecosystem's productivity and stability."
While seafood forms a crucial concern in their study, the researchers were analyzing overall biodiversity of the oceans. The more species in the oceans, the better each can handle exploitation.
"Even bugs and weeds make clear, measurable contributions to ecosystems," said co-author J. Emmett Duffy of the Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences.
The National Fisheries Institute, a trade association for the seafood industry, does not share the researchers alarm.
"Fish stocks naturally fluctuate in population," the institute said in a statement. "By developing new technologies that capture target species more efficiently and result in less impact on other species or the environment, we are helping to ensure our industry does not adversely affect surrounding ecosystems or damage native species.
Seafood has become a growing part of Americans' diet in recent years. Consumption totaled 16.6 pounds per person in 2004, the most recent data available, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. That compares with 15.2 pounds in 2000.
Joshua Reichert, head of the private Pew Charitable Trusts' environment program, pointed out that worldwide fishing provides $80 billion in revenue and 200 million people depend on it for their livelihoods. For more than 1 billion people, many of whom are poor, fish is their main source of protein, he said.
The research was funded by the National Science Foundation's National Center for Ecological Synthesis and Analysis.
If current trends of overfishing and pollution continue, the populations of just about all seafood face collapse by 2048, a team of ecologists and economists warns in a report in Friday's issue of the journal Science.
"Whether we looked at tide pools or studies over the entire world's ocean, we saw the same picture emerging. In losing species we lose the productivity and stability of entire ecosystems," said the lead author Boris Worm of Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
"I was shocked and disturbed by how consistent these trends are -- beyond anything we suspected," Worm said.
While the study focused on the oceans, concerns have been expressed by ecologists about threats to fish in the Great Lakes and other lakes, rivers and freshwaters, too.
Worm and an international team spent four years analyzing 32 controlled experiments, other studies from 48 marine protected areas and global catch data from the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization's database of all fish and invertebrates worldwide from 1950 to 2003.
The scientists also looked at a 1,000-year time series for 12 coastal regions, drawing on data from archives, fishery records, sediment cores and archaeological data.
"At this point 29 percent of fish and seafood species have collapsed -- that is, their catch has declined by 90 percent. It is a very clear trend, and it is accelerating," Worm said. "If the long-term trend continues, all fish and seafood species are projected to collapse within my lifetime -- by 2048."
"It looks grim and the projection of the trend into the future looks even grimmer," he said. "But it's not too late to turn this around. It can be done, but it must be done soon. We need a shift from single species management to ecosystem management. It just requires a big chunk of political will to do it."
The researchers called for new marine reserves, better management to prevent overfishing and tighter controls on pollution.
In the 48 areas worldwide that have been protected to improve marine biodiversity, they found, "diversity of species recovered dramatically, and with it the ecosystem's productivity and stability."
While seafood forms a crucial concern in their study, the researchers were analyzing overall biodiversity of the oceans. The more species in the oceans, the better each can handle exploitation.
"Even bugs and weeds make clear, measurable contributions to ecosystems," said co-author J. Emmett Duffy of the Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences.
The National Fisheries Institute, a trade association for the seafood industry, does not share the researchers alarm.
"Fish stocks naturally fluctuate in population," the institute said in a statement. "By developing new technologies that capture target species more efficiently and result in less impact on other species or the environment, we are helping to ensure our industry does not adversely affect surrounding ecosystems or damage native species.
Seafood has become a growing part of Americans' diet in recent years. Consumption totaled 16.6 pounds per person in 2004, the most recent data available, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. That compares with 15.2 pounds in 2000.
Joshua Reichert, head of the private Pew Charitable Trusts' environment program, pointed out that worldwide fishing provides $80 billion in revenue and 200 million people depend on it for their livelihoods. For more than 1 billion people, many of whom are poor, fish is their main source of protein, he said.
The research was funded by the National Science Foundation's National Center for Ecological Synthesis and Analysis.
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- Ari
- Born in 1962, reborn in 2005. Planning to sail the world with my family..to all those exotic places..anyway since we are not that rich and we love to shares..some berth will be allocated for paying guest..welcome aboard..!