Herba yang penting untuk masak -memasak.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Antara yang zahir dan batin, yang tersirat di sebalik yang tersurat.

One of the friend from my space had asked me about my life with two wife and I must be somebody really fair in judgement, how do I be fair or ’adil’?

Secara ikhlas nya saya tidak pernah berlaku adil. Semasa di hadapan tuan hakim mahkamah tinggi syariah, saya telah di soal ‘ bolehkah awak berlaku adil dan saksama dalam menjalankan tugas awak sebagai seorang suami kepada kedua isteri awak?’ Jawapan saya: ‘tidak dapat tuan’, hakim pun berkata ‘berlaku adil adalah syarat untuk poligami’, jawapan saya:’ adil adalah sifat Allah, saya cuma seorang hamba saya tidak punya sifat yang serupa dengan Allah’. Tuan hakim: maksud saya bila wang belanja diberikan untuk kedua isteri, mesti sama rata!’ jawapan saya : ‘tuan zalim jika meminta untuk saya samaratakan wang belanja kedua buah rumah, sebab tiap rumah mempunyai keperluan yang berbeza, cuma setiap permintaan akan di pertimbangkan setelah mengambil kira keperluan kesemua ahli keluarga sebelum sesuatu keputusan di buat’ . Selepas satu bulan keputusan membenarkan poligami pun di berikan.

Apa yang saya cuba terangkan kepada saudara dan saudari sekelian adalah sesuatu yang nampak adil belum tentu adil dan sesuatu yang nampak zalim belum tentu zalim. Kita perlu mengetahui apa yang berlaku sebelum menjatuhkan hukuman atau keputusan.Masih ingat kah kita rancangan ‘Bersama mu’ siri pertama? Yang tunjuk keluarga yang terpaksa makan siput babi bakar sebab tidak ada lauk? Memang sedih dan menyentuh perasaan, dalam satu dinner besar organiser telah beria-ia meminta saya mencuba masakan ‘escargot ‘ yang dia order..saya layan jer lah..tapi bila makanan tu sampai..saya tengok itu bukan escargot..Cuma cendawan hitam, cef telah terpaksa di panggil keluar untuk menerangkan keadaan dan chef telah mengaku memang betul masakan tersebut adalah cendawan hitam! Rakan saya jadi hairan, macam mana saya boleh kenal ‘escargot’? Apa tak kenal nyer..escargot tu siput babi lah! masak dengan sauce yang ada lada hitam tu..ngam ho..! Kat rumah saya ada banyak siput babi..mem pun tanya saya.. ’dear.. you nak buat escargot goreng tak..?’ ‘ No, thank you love, I prefer siput sedut from escargot!’
Escargot adalah makanan yang sedap dan terkenal, gaya masakan dari Perancis.

Setiap kali kami kesempitan wang belanja dapur, saya akan pergi menuai tiram dari ‘ladang kami’ untuk di buat lauk, isteri saya selalu beri komen ini ‘ orang lain waktu kaya makan tiram, kita bila makan tiram tu..faham faham ajer la..’dia’ dah sempit lah tu..’ dan jawapan nya ‘nasib awak lah..bila tak ada lauk kena makan tiram.. sekurang – kurang nya awak tak perlu makan escargot!’
Miskin kah kami bila terpaksa makan tiram dan ikan haruan? Harga ayam baru RM4.60 satu kilo, haruan RM20.00, tiram seketul tu RM3.00 dan perlu ada 50 hingga 100 ketul untuk makanan kami sekeluarga! Berapa harga seekor ayam hutan? Biasanya lima atau enam ekor di perlukan untuk kami makan malam! Miskin kah kami sebab tak mampu beli ayam dan ikan kembung? Makan lah ikan Ketutu atau sun hock ! Harga jualan memang mahal tapi tangkap sendiri sangat murah! Adil kah di panggil miskin dengan sebab ini? Berapa ramai dari kita yang ada banyak barang yang di kira sebagai sampah dan tak berharga, tetapi jika kita tahu bagaimana nak mengolah dan menjual nya..kita mungkin sebenarnya sedang hidup dan tidur di atas duit! Ada sesiapa nak beli escargot?

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Mahogany seed aka Sky fruit

While searching for mahogany seeds information I had came across an article from a Philipines web site that related to my search. An excerp of the article are pasted to my blog and the hyperlink to the site are provided. I'm not very sure whether you had came across the Sky fruit or Mahogany seeds. Just be careful.

" People take it for all kinds of diseases and disorders. But our study proved that mahogany (Swietenia mahogani Jacq.) seed isn't a cure-all alternative remedy after all. Conducted by the National Integrated Research Program on Medicinal Plants (NIRPROMP), our study showed that mahogany seeds are mutagenic and toxic to the liver. They are also toxic to the central nervous system, causing decreased motor activity, respiratory difficulty, loss of screen grip, convulsion, and diarrhea. Moreover, they depress arterial blood pressure. Our study debunked the common belief that mahogany seeds have anti-arthritic and anti-inflammatory activities. Based on these findings, we recommended that people refrain from eating raw mahogany seeds."

This is an excerp from an Indonesian site.
"Dalam farmakologi Cina dan pengobatan tradisional lain disebutkan, tanaman ini memiliki sifat pahit, dingin, antipiretik (penurun panas), anti jamur dan menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi. Efek farmakologis ini diperoleh dari penggunaan biji yang dikeringkan, digiling halus sampai menjadi serbuk.
Khasiat dari biji mahoni yaitu untuk mengatasi tekanan darah tinggi, kencing manis/diabetes mellitus, kurang nafsu makan, rematik, demam, masuk angin, dan eksim. Cara mengolah biasanya biji tersebut dihaluskan menjadi bubuk lalu diseduh dengan air panas. Sedangkan dosisnya disesuaikan dengan jenis penyakitnya dan umur penderita. "

Setakat ini tiada article atu kertas kajian tentang pokok ini di bentangkan oleh pengkaji dari Malaysia.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007



I’m invited to represent my employer for a bowling game today. Had agreed to joint the others @ 17.00hrs at Core Bowl. That center had seen a much needed maintenance works on 20 of the lane left another 4 lane awaiting for opportunity window. These are wood lane, suppose to be real good for hook ball. Yet to have the opportunity to polish my skill after very long lay off and now those sport club guys had arrange for a friendly match with TS. Since this is only a friendly outing, I’m going there just to enjoy the game and couldn’t be bothered much with the score. I’m still not really sure about my knee condition, will it be able to handle the pressure and stress put upon it in a tournament? Maybe I should forget about being serious in bowling again, just concentrate on golf. Anyway the reason I quit bowling last time is because of the injury on my knee that hampering me from being a good bowler. Period. So I’ll just go there, a throw a few ball and enjoy my self! Any one of you interested in bowling?

Monday, April 16, 2007

Testing my new blog page setting

My first official day at the new site and the new post.
Officially taken over the post from my predecessor today, new assignment discussed and way forward agreed upon with the asset owner.
I’m given a team of maintenance guys with the assignment of changing the work method from reactive maintenance to preventive maintenance. Not too bad actually.

The bonus of accepting this job was reveal to me early this morning, while on tour of the asset for some assessment work and after walking for about 20 minutes I had taken a break. Being alone and far away in the middle of the sea, the quietness of the morning are only disturb by the call of some sea birds. Some very active underwater movement had catch my attention .Schools and schools of small fish on feeding frenzy chasing the plankton only to be disrupt by huge Barramundis who overshot while on the chase and out from the water like a torpedo, performed some aerobatic movement and splash back into the boiling sea..Wow..I love this job! This really bring back the dive nostalgia of Pemanggil, Perhentian, Lang Tengah, Redang, oh dear the call is so strong!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Children and their future

My elders son had decided to pursue for a degree in business study. Good. He had decided to choose that discipline without me forcing him. At times even though I’m very confident with my method of upbringing, I do waiver in worries whether I’m on the right track! I had seen too many graduates who cross my path and told me they actually does not like the discipline that they had just completed. My question to them than why should you pursue something that you have got no interest in? All the answers are about keeping up with the peers, parents wish, neighborhood or sibling pressure, and the worst one is “ no other choice, base on my qualification/ result, this is the only one I can take or qualified to study at collage level/ university level.

I had given my three children the opportunity to choose what they had like to pursue for their preparation to joint the adult world. All had chosen not to joint any collage straight away after their SPM certification until they are sure of what they had like to be in their life. Dya had choose to work and looks like not that very keen to further her study, she yet to comeback to me with any proposal or plan. Aya hampered by the backbone operation and are left with very limited option till now, it is very tough on her physically and emotionally to have so long a scar on her back plus nineteen pieces of Titanium screws and plates inside her. Isa had decided and state his proposal to his mother, Shida. After spending his time following small time businessman and women, a short stint as a Primary School teacher (his employer, the government yet to pay him his dues), maybe all these had help him to decide the way forward.
I do really hope he will be able to put to work our ideas and discussion on how to make the first million.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Farewell to an Otai

On the 4th of July 2007 we had a farewell dinner for one of the colleague at The Yacht Club. Time fly by so fast until we had never realized it, by the time you realized it is normally a bit too late. That’s how I felt during the dinner. When I started in 1982 as a Process Trainee Arief is the one senior that I had tried to avoid the most but he kept on searching for me high and low, there is no place to hide from him and the ‘thugs of B shift’. Luckily for me I’m based at D shift so my encounter with those ‘thugs’ are only during my overtime in their shift. What I did not realized at that time is they search for me because they had wanted to impart their knowledge on oil processing! Their intention is very good but their approach is very scary!

Now those days are gone and I’m out from actual process work. Once awhile I still go back home to Process Department to do some investigation works or an RCA. What I found out is very disturbing to me, the level of knowledge of the new and seasoned technicians are very low! Those seniors that been brought up with Operation tradition of mentoring highlighted the problem to me. Trainees nowadays are Diploma holders but yet their desire to study and excel is very low compared to trainees of SPM and STP level of 20 years ago.
I do realize now the benefits of having a few ‘otai’ to take care of the juniors. Those ‘otai’ are called ‘thugs’ during my days and yet they keep on searching for the student to impart them the art of oil processing and the best part is that they are all volunteers! I know and understand these very well, I’m one of those ‘thugs’ and I have students from all over the world and all of them are doing very well. Now is the problem lie with the Diploma holder trainees or is it because there is no more ‘otai’ that is daring enough to impose his authority on students and force them to study? Or is it the sign of deteriorating teachers quality or the death of teaching institution in the company?

The actual reason is that all the seniors that are good at oil processing work can only grow up to a few limited supervisory post within the department, in order to grow they had to leave the department and secure a post somewhere else. With this kind of brain drain it is no wonder the Process Department had lost their Midas touch.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Ahh so good to be back..

After quite a long leave, well I'm back to the office again. Ahh to be among the hustle and bustle of office life, never know that I'm going to miss it so much!

The first thing in my mind this morning is to see my senior manager who happened to be my boss and have a chit chat with him. He was away visiting the family in India during my vacation. What a surprise when he had mentioned that he need to have a meeting with me this morning after 09.00 hrs. Wow..something urgent must have crop up while I'm on vacation !huh.. the tension..
He is only available at 11.00 hrs and the urgent thing is.. they need my consent for a proposal in restructuring our section for this coming major Turn Around! They need my consent because I'll be appointed to a new post and whether I do agree with the proposal. I'll be taking over the task of planner and scheduler for our marine section. Jetty and SBM is nothing new to me since I had been release loading master for about 6 years before joining the LRCC, now I'll be going back there as maintenance team after commissioning and operating it years ago. Now the cycle was completed.
According to Hari my boss these will surely open another new window of opportunity for me because with this profile I'll be mobile. Not very sure about it yet so no comment on that maybe my 'honey moon ' period was over ! Looks like I HAD GOT TO SLOG LIKE SHIT AGAIN..! Ahh .. life..

About Me

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Born in 1962, reborn in 2005. Planning to sail the world with my family..to all those exotic places..anyway since we are not that rich and we love to shares..some berth will be allocated for paying guest..welcome aboard..!